Making a Will

Making a Will

A will is the means by which you pass on your estate and assets to the parties of your choice after you have died. A will has no effect for as long as the person making it remains alive and will only becomes effective on the death of the person making the will. Hence, it is possible and indeed important that your will is reviewed and changed over your lifetime to reflect your uptodate estate and assets and indeed your wishes for same.

We will assist you and advise you in relation to the making of your will, firstly, meeting with you for a consultation to take detailed instructions of your requirements and your wishes and to give you guidance on the law relating to wills in addition to practical issues which you may have. We will then arrange for you to return for a second consultation, approximately one week later if it suits you, at which consultation you will review your will and we will then read through same together. If you are satisfied with the contents of your will, you may proceed to execute it in the presence of two of our staff members who will then witness your signature on your will. The witnessing of the will by two witnesses is a formal requirement of the Succession Act for the valid execution of a will. 

We have a facility to store your original will on our premises if you instruct us to do so. The vast majority of our clients require us to retain possession of their original will on their behalf.

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